Kootenay Coop Radio is offering their 3rd Annual Youth Radio Camp!
This is a wonderful opportunity for youth to learn something new, be creative and have fun!
This is a wonderful opportunity for youth to learn something new, be creative and have fun!
There are four weeks (Monday – Friday) and age groups available where youth will learn a number of fun and interesting aspects to working in radio. All the skills and knowledge acquired will help each group decide what kind of radio show they will want to write, produce and broadcast live on Friday afternoon!
Weeks and Rates:
Ages 8-11: July 5-9
Ages 11-14: July 19-23
Ages 15-18: August 9-13
Ages 11-15: August 16-20
Registration is $250 for non-members and $200 for KCR Members. There are also some bursaries available.
For more information or to resister email radiocamp@kootenaycoopradio.com or call us at 250-352-9600