Thursday, January 6, 2011

All I Want for Christmas...

This week, I created about 20 new WIFI accounts for students who got a personal digital device for Christmas. Some of them even earned the money themselves, and bought one; some were given one by their grandparents who also bought one for themselves.
I'm talking about iPod touches, mainly, a few iPhones, 1 iPad, and two netbooks or laptops. Wow. When we're talking about buying devices for schools, and I see so many kids who have them in their hands, doesn't it make sense to use that handheld device for something other than entertainment?

How many of you have downloaded apps that relate to any of your classes, or help you get organized for your learning? How many of your teachers ask you to use your devices in class to help you learn (even if it's in partners, since let's face it, not everyone has one, or has to have one). It seems a shame that we don't use devices that have more brainpower than the first manned rocket sent to the moon in 1967.

If you're wondering how to use your iPod-whatever for something other than facebook and music or games (and that's not a bad thing!), then come in and see us in the LMC. We've got app manuals, we can talk to you about some cool apps to download, iTunes content beyond just tunes, and we have a few iPods ourselves that we can lend to you for class use (learning, that is!).

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